18 March 2021 |
3 minutes
Dental SJT: The solutions

Look at the solutions below to find out how you performed in the Dental Situational Judgement mock test.
Answer to question 1: ACBDE
First and foremost, the nurse needs to register and understand the implications of her disclosure. The practice principal is the legal person who is liable for any issues that may occur in the practice – hence C is second priority. You can always call your educational supervisor for any advice and help, so C comes third. Never ignore the situation or dismiss the nurse’s statement as this is unethical and negligent. D is a bad option in this situation as you cannot control this scenario on your own, especially as a foundation dentist – you need the support of the wider team, especially as this is a GDC legal requirement.
Answer to question 2: ABEDC
This can sometimes happen when teeth are being extracted. An expression of consolation will do much to reassure the patient. It is important to ensure the safety of the patient so all procedures pertaining to the extraction procedure need to be adhered to. Invite the patient back the next day so that you can review the extraction site and make a decision as to whether it will be appropriate to recement the crown. If needed, your educational supervisor can always be called to help explain the bad news.
Answer to question 3: ADF
D is the best option. Start by organising yourself. Make a plan and reassure yourself that you can redeem yourself. Once you have showed this to your educational supervisor you can move forward on how to rectify the mistake you have made. F allows you to gain support from your TPD as this is the person who will also be signing off ePDP alongside your educational supervisor. The TPD’s input is as valued as your educational supervisor’s here. Showing that you have made a plan also demonstrates initiative. Speaking to your educational supervisor, as A states, now puts a plan into place and includes the wider team. All other options do not handle the problem at hand with the appropriate members.
Answer to question 4: DEF
F allows the correct member of staff to deal with the nurse and receptionist in conjunction with any practice policies in place. E ensures that the wider team knows the importance of teamworking and D ensures that you have taken the initiative in finding a solution to this problem. These answers are best when considered together. It is not your responsibility to deal with team animosity so the other options are not valid.
Answer to question 5: ADE
A is correct as all deaneries ensure a minimum amount of study days per year to graduate. E should have been done earlier, so in this instance ensure future dates are blocked off too. D is vital as it can help with advice on what to do next. B is unethical. C does not solve your problem as you will be short a study day. F is irrelevant and does not solve any problem. G is not applicable as this is an administrative organizational issue and H is untrue as no one is breaking the law.
Practice questions and answers correct at time of publication.