When it comes to retirement, planning pays off. So it's never too soon to start thinking about life after work...

Retirement might be a good few years away yet. But the sooner you start giving it some serious thought, the more time you have to perfect your plan.

Here in the Retirement Hub, you’ll find a range of guides and tools to help you build your savings pot, handy articles to help you understand your NHS pension – and an assessment to see just how ready for retirement you are...

Investing for retirement

Thinking about investing alongside your NHS pension? Here’s some guides and tools to invest some time in…

Investment calculator

Got a lump sum to lock away? Want to invest monthly? Our investment calculator can show you what your potential returns might look like.

Inflation calculator

Due to inflation, the buying power of your cash will reduce over time. Use this calculator to see the potential impact of inflation on your money.

Cost of delay calculator

The sooner you start investing, the more time you have to benefit from potential investment returns. Use this calculator to see what delaying your investment might mean.

Investing for retirement

It’s never too early to start thinking about how you’re going to fund your retirement. This guide offers a look at how you can fund your future, and why it pays to start planning now.

2024 - Q2 market commentary

After a strong quarter for stock markets, Wesleyan reflects on some of the highlights and lowlights of Q2 in this recent market commentary.

Investing for retirement - the expert view

In this video, Alec Collie, Head of Medical at Wesleyan Financial Services, speaks to Martin Lawrence, Wesleyan's Head of Investments, about the principles of investing for retirement.

Find out about the different phases of investing for retirement - and why it's not about timing the market, but time in the market...

Are you on track for retirement?

Already set out your retirement plan? The next step is to understand how on track you are to meet your goals. That’s where the Pension Assessment Report comes in.

NHS Pensions guides

Understanding your NHS pension scheme can be critical to your retirement dreams…

NHS Pension Scheme guide

Find out how membership of the NHS Pension Scheme works - and what it might mean for your future retirement plans.

NHS Pension Scheme for practitioners

The NHS pension scheme has some key differences for practitioners. This guide shows how the NHS pension works for GPs and GDPs.

NHS pensions and early retirement

Keen on the idea of early retirement? This guide will help you assess the options open to you under the NHS Pension Scheme.

NHS pensions and the annual allowance 

The annual allowance limits how much you can save into a pension each year without paying tax. Find out how it impacts your NHS pension.

Retirement planning for medical professionals

Thinking about retirement from the NHS? Here’s what you might want to consider before calling time on your career.

Changes to the NHS Pension Scheme

What are the recent changes to the NHS Pension Scheme, and how might they affect you? Learn more in this guide.

Manage your NHS Pension

It’s always a good idea to keep tabs on your pension. Here are some handy links to log into your local pension scheme, to make sure you're always in the picture...

England and Wales

Access your NHS Pension Total Rewards Statement via the NHSBSA website.


Access your NHS Scotland Pension Scheme, run by the SPPA.

Northern Ireland

Log in to your HSC (Health and Social Care) Pension Scheme.

Making the most of your income

Being smart with your money while you're still working will pay off in the long-term. Here’s some things to consider when it comes to protecting the pounds.

Income protection case study

Read the story of Michael Liu, a qualified dentist diagnosed with a spinal cord infection - and why protecting his income was one of the best decisions he ever made.

Guide to remortgaging

Your mortgage is often your biggest expense - so getting the right deal for you is a key part of making the most of your income. Read our guide on remortgaging to see what your options are.

Discover the latest insights

When you're planning for retirement, it pays to be prepared. Keep up to date with the latest insights from our experts, on everything  from pensions to investments.