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Introduction to estate planning

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5 min
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Worried about inheritance tax eating into your estate? Proper estate planning can help you leave more to those you love most.

Where do you want your wealth to go?

Although it’s not nice to think about, getting your affairs in order for when you pass away can bring real peace of mind as you get older.

Estate planning is about making sure that all the things you own – whether it’s property, savings or investments – are passed on efficiently and in line with your wishes when you die. 

Making a will is a key part of estate planning, but it’s really only the start. Without careful consideration of the financial impact, you could be leaving a big inheritance tax burden behind. That’s one thing you definitely don’t want your loved ones to inherit. 

Please note The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate inheritance tax planning and trusts.

Inheritance tax planning

Known as ‘a tax for those who don’t plan’, inheritance tax (IHT) can take a huge chunk out of the value of your estate.

If your estate is worth more than £325,000 (the inheritance tax threshold or ‘Nil Rate Band’), anything above this amount could potentially be taxed at 40%.

For many people, simply owning their own home may be enough to put them over that threshold.

A helping hand

If you’re smart with your money – and start thinking about estate planning sooner rather than later – there are ways to help minimise inheritance tax. These could include:

  • Making gifts to family and friends before you die
  • Setting up a trust fund for those you want to benefit from your estate 
  • Putting your life and pension policies into a trust so they’re not included as part of your overall estate.

Your Specialist Financial Adviser from Wesleyan Financial Services can advise you. If you’d like to learn more about inheritance tax before getting advice, you can read our guide to inheritance tax.

Estate planning explained

This video explores the process of estate planning and the things that you might need to consider as you prepare for your financial future:

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