Savings & investment products
View investment ISAs and plans below - or compare all investment products here.

Looking to invest in a stocks and shares ISA? The ISA wrapper means tax-free savings of up to £20,000 in the 2024/2025 tax year.

With Profits Fund
See how the With Profits Fund could help your investments grow more smoothly and let you share in Wesleyan’s business profits.

Unit Trust from WUTM
Explore the ways you can invest in unit trust funds with WUTM’s Unit Trust ISA, Unit Trust Investment Account and Unit Trust Junior ISA.

Investment plans
Want to invest outside of an ISA? Take a look at Wesleyan's Capital Investment Bond or Flexible Savings Plan - allowing you to invest in a choice of 14 funds.

Commercial investments
Money sitting in your business bank account? Learn how investing in the Unit Trust Investment Account from WUTM could give you the chance to grow your money in up to six risk-rated funds.
Bear in mind that the value of investments can go down as well as up and you may get back less than you invest.

Investing with Wesleyan
Find out more about what investing with the Wesleyan Group means. From reasons to invest and our longstanding pedigree as a shareholder-free mutual, to the various investment options available to you. See why investing with Wesleyan could be the right choice for your financial future.
Tools and calculators
Get hands-on with our calculators to find out what investing might mean for your money.
Investment calculator
Got a lump sum to lock away? Want to invest monthly? Our investment calculator can show you what your potential returns might look like.
Inflation calculator
Due to inflation, cash you hold today is likely to be worth less in the future than it is now. Use this calculator to see the potential impact of inflation on your money.
Cost of delay calculator
The sooner you start investing, the more time you have to benefit from potential investment returns. Use this calculator to see what delaying your investment might mean.
Stocks and shares ISA calculator
See how much your investment might grow if you invest in a With Profits Stocks and Shares ISA. Our calculator can account for amount, length and growth rate of investment, to give you an estimate of how much return you could see.
Achieving your goals

Beginner's guide to investing
Make your money work harder with our beginner’s guide to investing. Find out how to get started in the world of investments with a step-by-step look at the basics.

Saving for a house
Ready to get on the property ladder? Start saving for a house with guidance on how to build a deposit and a look at the types of account that could give you a helping hand.

Investing for children
Covering accounts, tax considerations and everything else you need to know about investing for your child's future, take a look at our helpful guide.

Investing for retirement
It’s never too early to start planning for a comfortable retirement. From personal pensions to saving into ISAs, learn about the investment options available to you.

Investment guides
Discover a range of guides covering various aspects of investing. Learn about pound cost averaging, spreading the risk with diversified portfolios, and more.
Our latest ISA guides
Find out more about ISAs, with our series of useful guides.
Pension or ISA?
Is a pension or an ISA the better option when it comes to saving for retirement? Learn more about both, including accessibility and tax implications, in our comprehensive guide.
Stocks and shares ISAs and inflation
Can a stocks and shares ISA protect your money from rising inflation? Find out more about this type of ISA and the effects of inflation on savings.
ISA allowance 2024/25
How much can you pay into an ISA during a single tax year? Our guide explains your personal allowance and the individual allowances for ISAs by type.
How many ISAs can I have?
How many ISAs are you allowed to have and how many can you pay into over the year? Find out the answers in this handy guide.
How do ISA transfers work?
Discover the right way to transfer your ISA from one provider, or from one type, to another. Our guide tells you how to move your money without affecting your annual allowance.

Financial wellbeing
At Wesleyan, we know that keeping on top of your finances can be difficult. Whether it's tips for managing your money or helping you understand your mortgage options, we're here to help.