Do you have surplus cash in your business bank account?

Money that sits in your business bank account is hard earned. But in times of high inflation, the buying power of your money is likely to be eroded over time.

Investing in the Unit Trust Investment Account from Wesleyan Unit Trust Managers (WUTM) could give you the chance to grow your money, and beat the effects of inflation.

  • Take your pick from six risk-rated investment funds, and swap at any time
  • Invest as much as you like, with no maximum limit
  • Let award-winning Fund Managers manage your investment
  • Withdraw money at any time, with no exit fees
  • Open to UK businesses, charities, partnerships, trusts and societies

Dealing costs and ongoing charges will apply. If you take advice from a Specialist Financial Adviser from Wesleyan Financial Services, an initial advice charge will also apply.

Keep in mind that the value of your investments can go down as well as up, and you may get back less than you put in.

Making your money work harder

Are you a dental practice owner with surplus cash sitting in your business bank account? Or perhaps you're a doctor thinking about investing your practice funds?

Commercial investments aim to make your money work harder, to combat inflation. We all know that investments come with risk, but deciding not to invest your money could be a risk in itself.

Investing your money offers the potential to get higher returns on your money than you would from interest in a savings account. If inflation is higher than the return on your cash investments after charges, the buying power of your money will fall.

How the Unit Trust Investment account works

WUTM’s Unit Trust Investment account allows your business or corporate entity to invest in up to six risk-rated funds. 

When you invest in the funds, you pool your money with other commercial investors to access the kind of assets that might be difficult to buy alone. Each fund is fully managed by WUTM’s award-winning investments team.

WUTM’s Fund Managers invest with a long-term view. They use periods of market volatility to find investment opportunities they believe will benefit Unit Trust funds over the longer term.

Though it's impossible to know how your investments will play out, you can use our handy investment calculator to get an idea of your potential long-term returns.

The choice is yours

When you invest in a WUTM Unit Trust Investment Account, you get to choose which funds your money goes into – and how much risk you’re willing to take in pursuit of potential growth.

All our funds are risk rated on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 represents the lowest risk (and lower potential returns) and 5 represents the highest risk (but potentially the greatest returns). 

You can simply select the fund you’re most comfortable with, or you can spread your money across as many funds as you like. You can swap funds at any time, too.

Flexible investing

Like most investment products, the Unit Trust Investment Account is best suited to those who can invest for at least five years. But you can still take your money out at any time. 

You can withdraw money either on a one-off basis or by taking regular income, without any exit fees. Remember though, any gains may be subject to capital gains tax or corporation tax.

We do also ask that you always leave £500 invested, until such time as you close your account.

Tax treatment depends on your individual circumstances and may be subject to change in future.

Compound growth

Unit Trust funds can generate returns in two different ways - through capital growth (when the fund’s unit value increases) and through income from shares.

When your investment does generate income or interest, you can choose to have it paid to you or you can reinvest it in your account.

Reinvesting can significantly boost your investment returns over time, through what’s known as ‘compound growth’.

Insurance asset risk awards 2023 logo

Investment Team of the Year 2023

After winning Responsible Investor of the Year at the Insurance Asset Risk Awards 2022, Wesleyan's investment team was named Investment Team of the Year in 2023. When you invest with WUTM, you can be confident your money is managed by the same safe hands.

A choice of funds

With a Unit Trust Investment Account, you can invest in a choice of funds to suit your appetite for risk. Our funds are rated on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 represents the lowest risk (and lower potential returns) and 5 represents the highest risk (but potentially the greatest returns).

You can simply choose the fund you’re most comfortable with, or you can spread your money across multiple funds. If you change your mind at any point, you can always switch.

Risk Averse Fund

The Risk Averse fund aims to achieve a return by investing in a portfolio largely made up of UK government bonds. These are generally considered to be a relatively safe investment compared with shares.

Low Risk/Reward Growth Fund

This fund invests in a balanced portfolio of mainly UK shares, government and corporate bonds. The portion of the fund allocated to shares within the portfolio will not exceed 40% (typically between 30 and 35%).

Moderate Risk/Reward Growth Fund

This fund aims to provide capital growth through the active management of a mixed portfolio of shares, corporate bonds and government bonds. Shares will generally account for more than 50% of the portfolio.

Moderate-High Risk/Reward Income Fund

This fund typically contains a mix of investments, including 60 to 85% major-market shares, plus government bonds and higher quality corporate bonds to help counterbalance the investment in shares.

UK Growth Fund

This fund invests in companies listed on the UK stock market - providing access to a mixture of nationally focused businesses with global revenue streams. The fund takes a long-term view and expects to hold the core of its portfolio for years rather than months.

International Growth Fund

The International Growth Fund invests in global companies. It can invest directly in most major countries across the world, giving it access to a wide variety of sectors and markets, including emerging markets.

A guide to commercial investments

Still wondering whether investing is the right option for you? For everything you need to know all in one place, read our comprehensive guide to commercial investments.

Learn more about:

  • How commercial investments work
  • The impact of inflation on cash savings
  • Flexible investing

Important Information:


Where you receive advice from Wesleyan Financial Services, an Initial Advice Charge of 3% is deducted from each payment to pay for providing that advice. We (WUTM) will collect this charge on behalf of Wesleyan Financial Services (WFS) and pay it to them.

There are also some management and dealing costs to pay. These costs are shown as Ongoing Charge Figures (OCFs). The latest OCFs for each fund can be found in the Key Investor Information Documents above.

If you are opted in for the Ongoing Advice Service (OAS) provided by Wesleyan Financial Services, please note an additional 0.5% will be added to the OCF charge.

Tax rules summary

Taxation will vary depending on your circumstances and business structure. Your Specialist Financial Adviser from Wesleyan Financial Services can guide you on any tax implications for your business.

Key documents

Before you apply to open a Unit Trust Investment Account, please read the following documents:

Please also read the latest Key Investor Information Document (KIIDs) for any fund(s) you’re considering investing in. These can be found above.

If you are already investing with us and have opted into the Ongoing Advice Service (OAS), the appropriate 'B' unit class KIIDs are available through the WUTM Investor Portal.

Existing customer?

Call us on 0330 123 3813 to check values, switch between funds or arrange a withdrawal.

Lines are open Monday to Friday, 9am - 5pm.