Female doctor sitting at desk wearing a white coat using a laptop

Estate planning for medics

You’ve dedicated your life to helping others. Now let us help you leave more to those you love.
Female doctor sitting at desk wearing a white coat using a laptop

Specialist Financial Advisers from Wesleyan Financial Services offer tailored advice for medics on all aspects of estate planning, including:

  • Working out the value of your estate
  • Minimising your Inheritance Tax liability
  • Setting up trusts
  • Passing on your medical business

On this page

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Where do you want your wealth to go?

Estate planning is about making sure that all the things you own – whether it’s property, savings or investments – are passed on in line with your wishes when you die.

Without a proper plan, you could be leaving a big Inheritance Tax burden behind. We can help you manage the minefield of estate planning, with financial advice tailored to your unique needs.

Please note the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) does not regulate Inheritance Tax planning and trusts.

Tax treatment depends on your individual circumstances and may be subject to change in future.

Mature female medical professional with patient

Minimise your Inheritance Tax liability with estate planning

Inheritance Tax can take a huge chunk out of the value of your estate. Anything above the threshold (or Nil Rate Band) of £325,000 could be taxed at 40%.

There are ways to help minimise Inheritance Tax. These could include:

  • Making gifts to family and friends before you die
  • Setting up a trust fund for those you want to benefit from your estate
  • Putting your life and pension policies into a trust so they’re not included as part of your overall estate.
A Specialist Financial Adviser from Wesleyan Financial Services can advise you. If you’d like to learn more before getting advice, you can read our guide to Inheritance Tax.

Why choose us for estate planning advice?

Sell or pass on your medical business in a tax efficient way

If you own a medical practice, whether alone or jointly, have you considered what will happen to it when you die?

Your adviser can help you think about exit strategies and how you can maximise the financial benefits of selling your medical business. There’s also succession planning to consider and tax-efficient ways to pass on your share to limit how much IHT you need to pay.

Financial advice tailored to your profession and needs

When you meet with a Specialist Financial Adviser, you can expect personalised advice from somebody who understands the demands of the medical profession.

They'll be able to advise you on an array of complex areas, including estate planning. They're here to answer any queries you have around managing your estate - from passing your business on, to managing investments and your personal estate.

Helping plan your financial future today

Through a full review of your finances, we help you assess how you can start reducing your Inheritance Tax liability now, while ensuring you have enough funds to live comfortably on in later life.

With estate planning, it’s always important to consider your future expenses, like the potential cost of care as you get older. If you tie all your money up in trust funds or give it all away as gifts to avoid Inheritance Tax, you could leave yourself short of the funds you need in retirement.

It’s a tricky balance, but one we can help you achieve.

If you own a medical practice, whether alone or jointly, have you considered what will happen to it when you die?

Your adviser can help you think about exit strategies and how you can maximise the financial benefits of selling your medical business. There’s also succession planning to consider and tax-efficient ways to pass on your share to limit how much IHT you need to pay.

When you meet with a Specialist Financial Adviser, you can expect personalised advice from somebody who understands the demands of the medical profession.

They'll be able to advise you on an array of complex areas, including estate planning. They're here to answer any queries you have around managing your estate - from passing your business on, to managing investments and your personal estate.

Through a full review of your finances, we help you assess how you can start reducing your Inheritance Tax liability now, while ensuring you have enough funds to live comfortably on in later life.

With estate planning, it’s always important to consider your future expenses, like the potential cost of care as you get older. If you tie all your money up in trust funds or give it all away as gifts to avoid Inheritance Tax, you could leave yourself short of the funds you need in retirement.

It’s a tricky balance, but one we can help you achieve.

Leave behind more than just your legacy

Book an appointment with a Specialist Financial Adviser to find out how you can protect your assets from Inheritance Tax. Advice charges may apply.

Alternatively, call us free on 0808 149 9416 or request a call back to speak to a member of our team.

Frequently asked questions about appointments 

Your adviser will explain any charges as part of an initial conversation. This conversation is at no charge, and allows you to agree the areas in which you would like our help and advice.

You will only be charged once you have agreed the services you wish to receive from us, and the associated costs.

Learn more about our charges here.

To make the most of your time with your Specialist Financial Adviser, it can be handy to gather any information or documents relating to your finances. This can help to give your Specialist Financial Adviser an understanding of your assets and liabilities.

You may also be asked to complete a Financial Outline. This enables your Adviser to tailor your appointment to you, your circumstances and your future goals. If you don't complete it beforehand, you’ll need to do so as part of your appointment.
An initial meeting with a Specialist Financial Adviser will typically last around one hour, though it does depend on the complexity of your circumstances. Often the Specialist Financial Adviser may arrange a second meeting with you to present any recommendations.

Wesleyan Financial Services partners with…

The RCGP, RCOG and FMLM are introducer appointed representatives of Wesleyan Financial Services Limited.

Still have questions about estate planning and IHT?

Improve your understanding of the key issues by reading the comprehensive guides below.  

How to plan your estate

Find out what estate planning is, how to go about it, the benefits for your loved ones, and why everybody needs an estate plan.

How does inheritance tax work?

Learn all about inheritance tax (IHT) with our comprehensive guide, including what it is, how it's calculated and how you could potentially reduce your liability.