Making the Teachers' Pension Scheme work for you
The Teachers’ Pension Scheme (TPS) offers great benefits to hard-working educators across the UK, but it isn’t the easiest to understand. Through our specialist guides, you can get help with your pension and retirement planning.
Our guides cover:
- How much income you’ll need at different stages of retirement
- Your options for retiring early or taking a phased retirement
- Pension contributions, allowances and benefits
Featured guides

Teachers’ Pension Scheme guide
Pensions can be complicated at the best of times, and the Teachers’ Pension Scheme is no exception. Discover the ins and outs of the scheme, including how much you pay in and the benefits you might be entitled to.

Retirement planning guide for teachers
Get prepared for life beyond the classroom, with specialist advice on the complexities of retirement planning, your options for retirement, and how you can make the most of your Teachers’ Pension and retirement income.
More lessons on pensions...
Teachers’ pensions and early retirement
See how you can enjoy more free time in your later years with answers to the most asked questions on retiring early.
Teachers' pension ill-health retirement
Learn everything you need to know about applying for ill-health benefits under the Teachers' Pension Scheme (TPS) in this guide for education professionals.
Teachers' pension phased retirement
If you're looking to slow down your schedule but you're not quite ready to stop working, you can opt for phased retirement under the TPS.
Understanding lump sums
As part of the Teachers’ Pension Scheme, you can enjoy up to 25% of your pot as a tax-free lump sum.
What happens to my teachers’ pension when I die?
We know it’s not nice to think about, but it’s always a good idea to know what happens to your Teachers’ Pension when you die.
Changes to the Teachers' Pension Scheme (TPS)
Stay up to date with the latest changes to the Teachers’ Pension Scheme, including the current contribution rates for you and your employer, pension benefit updates and the latest information on the McCloud Judgement.
Webinars for teachers
Discover a series of free webinars designed especially for teachers - focused on the financial issues that really matter to you.

Get answers to the top TPS queries
Just want to know how much your TPS benefits are worth? Or what happens to your pension when you're off sick? We’ve compiled some handy resources to help answer your most common Teachers' Pension Scheme queries...
The NASUWT is an introducer appointed representative of Wesleyan Financial Services Limited.