Reasons to invest

Our approach to investing
What makes us different when it comes to investing your money? Read about our approach to investments and the values that mean our customers always come first.

Sustainable investing
Sustainability is at the forefront of our investment strategy, actively seeking to invest in companies that play their part in reducing their impact on the planet and its people.

Our investments team
Meet the award-winning team responsible for investing your money. Led by our Director of Investments, Martin Lawrence, our highly experienced fund managers are committed to getting the best possible long-term returns on your investment.

Our property portfolio
Find out about our commercial property portfolio, which makes up around 10% of the With Profits Fund.

Investment Team of the Year 2023
Wesleyan’s pedigree
For over 180 years our financial strength and risk-averse culture has underpinned a focus on delivering strong investment returns over the long term.

About us

Our history

Our financial strength
Ways to invest

ISAs (Individual Savings Accounts)
Our range of stocks and shares ISAs offers a choice of how to invest your money. Whether for your own long-term financial goals, or your child’s future, see if there’s an ISA for you.

With Profits Fund
Find out more about our flagship fund. With a smoothing mechanism and potential bonuses, it holds more than £3bn worth of customers’ investments.

Unit trusts
With three ways to invest from Wesleyan Unit Trust Managers (WUTM), see if there’s a unit trust that suits your needs.

Investment plans
Invest in a Capital Investment Bond or a Flexible Savings Plan, fully managed by our award-winning investments team.
Further investment information
Protecting you online
Investment guides
Not sure how to invest your money? Our collection of guides gives you the lowdown on getting started, the options available, investing for children and much more.
Fund prices and performance
View the latest unit fund prices, performance charts, and factsheets, along with other key information to help you decide where to invest your money.