It's never too early to start preparing for life after work. Get a head start on your retirement fund by exploring your pension options and discover specialist guidance on the NHS and Teachers' Pension Schemes from Wesleyan Financial Services.

Retirement advice for your profession

Dreaming of the days you hang up your scrubs or mark that final paper? Get specialist advice tailored to you.

Retirement advice for doctors

From NHS Pension advice to support with managing your wealth – we’re with you every step of the way.

Retirement advice for dentists

Get support with your retirement planning from a Specialist Financial Adviser that understands your profession.

Retirement advice for teachers

Get prepared to step away from the classroom with personalised pension and retirement advice.

How recent tax changes may impact your retirement plans...

In 2023, the Government announced that the annual allowance was to be raised - and the lifetime allowance was to be abolished altogether.

These changes could have a huge impact on your pension and retirement planning. Watch the video to learn more.

Specialist pension support

Make the most of your workplace pension scheme with our tailored workplace pension guidance.

NHS Pension Scheme

Discover a wealth of support and information to help you make the most of your NHS pension.

Teachers' Pension Scheme

Member of the Teachers’ Pension Scheme? Get prepared for life after the classroom.

Pension products

Start a personal pension to boost your retirement savings or buy a guaranteed income for your post-work years with an annuity.


When you’re ready to collect your hard-earned pension pot, you can use some or all of your money to buy a guaranteed income, normally for life.

Pension options at retirement

Not sure what's right for you? Do you have to take a lump sum? Can you mix your options?

Explore some of the ways to access and use your pension pot, including annuities and drawdown, in our guide to pension options at retirement.

Plan your dream retirement

Whether retirement is years away or right around the corner, we can help you prepare for your post-work years. Get advice and support or learn more about retirement planning.

NHS Pension Assessment Report

Understand your pension position and what it means for your retirement planning with a personalised NHS Pension Assessment Report.

The Retirement Club

Get support throughout your retirement journey by becoming a member of the Retirement Club. Find out more and get your free invite.

Retirement guides

Achieving your dream retirement takes planning and preparation. With our handy guides, you can learn how to build a retirement plan, understand your pension options and more.

Equity release

If you're a UK homeowner aged 55 or over, equity release could provide an effective way to boost your retirement income. Find out more.