Male doctor smiling wearing stethoscope

Financial planning webinars for medical professionals

Helping you look after your own financial health

Male doctor smiling wearing stethoscope

Upcoming live webinars

These upcoming live webinars are designed specifically for medical professionals. Some webinars are with 3rd parties and may require registration.

Understanding your NHS Pension Scheme and McCloud

This webinar from Wesleyan Financial Services covers recent changes to both the NHS Pension Scheme and the McCloud Judgement (the age discrimination case), designed to guide you through what are often complex financial areas.

This webinar takes place Tuesday 20th May at 7pm

Building wealth: Smart strategies for savings and investments

From clearing debts to setting goals, this webinar will help you to understand current investment markets and how you can prepare for the future.

This webinar takes place Wednesday 2nd July at 7pm

Specialist financial planning for doctors with a private practice

This webinar will focus on specialist financial planning for doctors that have set-up – or are considering setting up – a limited company for their private income. Learn how to make this income work harder for you, maximise your profits and better support your own financial future.

This webinar takes place Tuesday 9th September at 7pm

Securing your legacy: Estate planning

This topic is important for ensuring your assets are dealt with as tax efficiently as possible after your death. From estate planning strategies to Inheritance Tax (IHT) implications, learn about your options and what you might need to consider.

This webinar takes place Tuesday 4th November at 7pm

On demand webinars

You can watch the following sessions on demand...

Mature woman working at home

Investing in a time of crisis

Head of Medical at Wesleyan Financial Services, Alec Collie, talks to Director of Investments, Martin Lawrence, and Specialist Financial Adviser, Julia Blakiston, about the current state of investment markets - including things people need to think about if they are planning to invest over the coming months and years.

Female doctor wearing a white coat in consultation room sitting at a desk

Primary Care Networks: managing your risks

In this webinar, you'll learn about the risks that Primary Care Networks face. Find out how you can mitigate against these risks, and what your options are for any that remain.