Our gender pay position
We welcome the annual gender pay gap report, which sees UK employers with over 250 employees report on their gender pay gap position.

Gender pay gap in 2023
Read about our gender pay gap position as of April 2023, as well as our commitment to continuing to review and introduce initiatives to close the gap.

Gender pay gap in 2022
Read our gender pay gap position for 2022 as we continue working to close the difference between the earnings of men and women across the organisation.

Gender pay gap in 2021
Read our gender pay gap position for 2021 and see how we're working towards closing the gap across our organisation.

Gender pay gap in 2020
Our 2020 gender pay position measures the difference between the earnings of men and women across the organisation.

Ethnicity pay gap 2023
In 2023, we're reporting our ethnicity pay gap information for the second time. Analysing our position helps us identify and investigate any pay disparities to build an inclusive organisation.