Wesleyan Wallet: Terms and conditions

Terms and conditions (23/08/2023)

The promoter of the Wesleyan Wallet loyalty program (which is referred to as the “Loyalty Program”) is Wesleyan Assurance Society (referred to as the “Society”) of Colmore Circus, Birmingham B4 6AR (incorporated in England with company number ZC000145). The Loyalty Program is administered and fulfilled by Perks Loyalty Limited, trading as White Label Loyalty (referred to as “WLL”) of Round Foundry Media Centre, Foundry Street, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS11 5QP (incorporated in England with company number 09441699).

Joining the Loyalty Program

  • The Loyalty Program is only available to individuals (including employees of the Society and its group or their family members) who meet the conditions for eligibility below. These individuals are referred to as "Qualifying Members".
  • To be a Qualifying Member for the Loyalty Program you must be a member of the Society.
  • Only Qualifying Members can join the Loyalty Program. Membership of the Loyalty Program is not transferable.
  • If you are a Qualifying Member, you can join the Loyalty Program by registering an account on the app (search for “Wesleyan Wallet” on the App Store or Google Play, then download the app) with a valid email address. The Loyalty Program is available for your personal use only and you may only have one account. If you attempt to open multiple accounts, this may result in suspension of all your accounts.
  • The Society may refuse your application to join the Loyalty Program at its sole discretion.

Discounts and Coupons

  • Joining the Loyalty Program enables you to access discounts and coupons for up to 11,000 vendors. These discounts are provided by Kindred Soul Ltd.
  • While the Society will endeavour to keep the Loyalty Program up to date, you accept that the Society cannot control the actions of the third parties who provide these discounts/coupons. As such, all discounts/coupons are subject to availability and are subject to change without prior notice.
  • Discounts and coupons are added via a HTML extension on your web browser, by signing up to the Loyalty Program you agree to the use of the HTML extension and the terms and conditions provided in this document.
  • If you become aware of any inaccuracies in the discounts/coupons being applied to your purchases from a qualifying vendor, you must report this to MemberRewards@wesleyan.co.uk within one month of the transaction taking place.
  • The Society has the right at any time to withdraw from the Loyalty Program discounts or coupons from any vendors at its discretion including (as an example only) where a vendor is not aligned with the ethical standards of the Society.
  • No cash alternative will be offered in respect of any part of the Loyalty Program or any coupon/discount. Discounts/coupons have no monetary or cash value and cannot be converted into any currency.
  • The Society may:

- amend, suspend, or withdraw the Loyalty Program or any part of it, or

- amend these terms and conditions.

  • When claiming a Discount/Coupon via Wesleyan Wallet, you may be required to agree separate terms and conditions with Kindred Soul Ltd or the vendor from whom you are purchasing from. You accept that the Society is not responsible for the content of those terms and conditions and cannot be responsible if you cannot access a discount/coupon because you do not wish to agree those terms and conditions and is not responsible if you do not comply with those terms and conditions.

Personal Information and Privacy

  • To join the Loyalty Program, it will be necessary for the Society to collect personal information relating to you which may include personal identifiers, contacts and characteristics (for example, name, contact details and Qualifying Member reference number). The Society will use this personal information to administer and fulfil your claim and for other marketing purposes. The Society may have to share this information with third parties who help to administer the Loyalty Program and with providers of discounts/coupons available through the Loyalty Program. In particular, the Society uses WLL to administer and fulfil benefits received through the Loyalty Program. To enable WLL to carry out these functions, the Society will share with WLL and other third parties who help us to administer the Loyalty Program the names, email addresses and Qualifying Member reference numbers of Qualifying Members who join the Loyalty Program.
  • Further information on how the Society will use, store and handle your personal information can be found in our Privacy Policy. The Privacy Policy set out your rights and each of our duties relating to your personal information. It also sets out how you can contact us and raise any complaints relating to our use of your personal information.
  • By joining the Loyalty Program, you consent to the collection, use and sharing of your personal information as described above. You may withdraw your consent at any time by contacting MemberRewards@wesleyan.co.uk


  • For any queries associated with member rewards please e-mail MemberRewards@wesleyan.co.uk
  • Membership of the Loyalty Program and provision of Rewards are governed by these terms and conditions. By joining the Loyalty Program, you accept these terms and conditions.
  • These terms apply in addition to the terms and conditions of your policy or other product with the Society and do not change those terms and conditions.
  • These terms and conditions are subject to English Law and the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.